Sunday, September 4, 2011

Jersey Boys

I know, another post in the same day? Well, this is because I hadn't posted about Marli earlier this week. I just thought I would ramble on about some other things. :D

Carlos and I went to see Jersey Boys last night at the Palazzo. It was a good show!

We got there about an hour early, so we went and looked around and checked out the shops there. It's a pretty nice place. I really liked the high ceilings in the casino! Very nice set up inside.

Funny Story....

Before we went inside the theater to take our seats, Carlos took a potty break. While I was waiting outside the bathroom, I was standing next to this older lady. She made a comment in the direction of the flailing drunk trashy girls over by the bar, "Why don't you have another drink, there?" I laughed a little and told her,"Well, that is what makes them feel pretty." She laughed and replied,"I am sorry, I am not very nice." I just smiled and said,"That's all right, neither am I." Her husband came out and they went on their way. Carlos came out and headed to the theater and got our drinks and a snack for the show. We enter, and get directed to our seats, as we are walking to our seats, we are walking behind the older lady and her husband. It seemed they would be sitting close to us. I found this amusing. As we walk up to the row we look for seats 60 & 61. The couple was already sitting and we asked them, "Sixty and sixty one?" The lady replies, "Those are our seats" Oh boy. So, we went up to the usher and told them it seemed our seats had been double booked. Lol. They ended up moving the couple over to the next set of seats. We ended up sitting right next to each other! How hilarious is that?! We chatted and everything. Carlos and I always seem to get along very well with older people.

I thought it was pretty funny how things happen like that. Out of ALL the people, those are the people we end up next to! Ah fate, how you love to play your little games.

New Family Member!

Okie dokie! So, I was planning on going down to the foundation after work on Tuesday to go adopt the dog. But when I texted my friend for the info on her. She said that they had put her up for adoption a little sooner in the day than expected. I decided to just run down there on my lunch... and Carlos ended up coming, too! So that was pretty awesome. We got there and went in, went to her kennel and got her papers, and adopted her. Haha, I ended up coming back half an hour late from lunch. Anywho!! We have a new member of our little family :D

Meet Marli! She is a good dog. Little nervous peepee issues, but they seem to be getting resolved as time passes. Charli seems to like her... but then again, she seems a bit out of sorts with another dog being around. In the end, they both get along with each other quite well. Once Marli's spay incision is completely healed, we will really see how she and Charli play together!

We took Marli to the vet Saturday and we ended up having to put an e-collar (cone) on her since she was licking at her incision. It was beginning to get irritated and in order to prevent infection, we had to put a cone on her. Lol! She seems fine with it on. It prevents her from escaping the kitchen. She is our little escape artist. Being so small, she can squeeze through all these little spaces.... crazy.

Oh! And when we went to the foundation, it turned out that her being eight years old was a typo! She is really three. She also retained two of her baby teeth.. So she has a double set of canines. It is weird, but we are taking her in next Saturday for a dental treatment and to get the teeth removed.

Now we have two great dogs! :D